Have you made up your mind to go online with your products and services? If yes, then you need to have a good website that showcases your company’s aim, mission, and offerings along with other vital details to your target audience. Website is the virtual face of your business and it is the offline store where your target audience visits and selects the products and services and makes the final purchase.
It is therefore important that your website should be attractively designed and well optimized for the top rankings of the leading search engines. However, with the multitude of web designers and website designing firms in the acumen, it is important to choose the best Website Designing Company in Delhi; that perfectly fits your company, and more importantly your goals and objectives.
The Internet has made business processes simple and global, but the complexities that the internet offers are unique. Just search the term ‘Good web design firm’ on search engine it comes up with umpteen numbers of search results. For a layman, it is impossible to search through the result. It is therefore imperative to understand the entire process of selecting a good and professional eCommerce Designing Company in India in a structured manner.
Step 1: Planning:
The very first step involves in the process of website design selection is defining your needs. While searching for the right web designer, it is important to have a clear idea of what role your new website or a redesigned one will fill into. Will it provide information to your target customers about your existence and your offerings? Will it serve the needs of your employees? Or will it include an online shopping section so that you can sell your products to visitors?
Most website designers of the leading website design firms will need to know the following:
1. The role of your new website
2. Your budget and your requirements
3. Your target market audience whom your website is going to cater
Take your time to consider what you expect from your website and the kind of information you want to communicate to your potential target audience before you approach your designer. This will save you and your designer a considerable amount of time and effort.
Step 2: Searching and Chalking a Primary List:
Searching for a good website designing firm is a challenging process and does not require any special skill other than diligence to effectively come up with great and cost-effective results that fulfill your needs. Just scan through the directories, check the listings of Google on specific keyword searches, and ask for referrals from your near ones and dear ones. The process need not have to be extensive but at least you should make sure all the aspects are covered and all points are taken into account.
Referral: Ask your friends, business acquaintances, and the family as to which website design firm designed their website and what was their experience with the firm and also enquire of their website is functioning well. Ask for their recommendations if any.
Websites: Determine the website design firm that is responsible for the websites of the organizations that you always admire. These organizations may be your competitors, or related to your industry vertical. Sometimes the website design firm is included in the site credits or is listed elsewhere on the website and if you cannot find the credits on the site itself, just contact the organization and ask which website design firm is responsible for the website.
Step 3: Evaluating and Short Listing:
Once you have a list of potential website design firms, now go for the shortlisting after doing a bit of research.
1. Portfolio: Look for the 3 C’s – credibility, consistency, and capability and see how consistent the firm is. Also, look for the parameters on which the company is capable enough to meet your needs. Do check their sample projects work and the reviews of their previous clients shown in the portfolio. Look for if the company has done similar challenges to those faced by your organization. These are some key factors to be considered. Browse the sites built by them check ease of its navigation, organization of information, layout, see if the site is visitor friendly, and its overall appeal. Also, consider hiring a firm that demonstrates some familiarity with your kind of business. Just go through success stories and case studies that have been available on their website and evaluate the credentials with references if possible before making the final selection.
2. Experience and Fees: Experience and fees are two sides of the same coin. The more experienced and successful the website design firm is in delivering results, the more is their fees. Before finalizing the website design firm check their experience, more important check if they have worked on projects similar to yours. Also; check their charges and make sure that there are no hidden charges. It is important that you choose the website design firm that charges fees in sync with your budget. Also, make sure that you get the best deal in return for the charges paid.
3. Technology: Enquire about their technological competence and see that it matches your needs and expectations. Also, check the number of projects worked by them and how frequently they upgrade their technology both in terms of software and hardware.
4. Deadlines: Has the company carried out its projects within the stipulated time period? Time is one of the most vital aspects as the longer time the project takes, the higher the input cost it gets. Beware of companies who offer you a shorter time period and ready with the design. But after that starts the long and torrid journey of fixing and finding bugs.
5. Services: See that the company offers value-added services including SEO, digital marketing, development, content management, hosting, etc all under one single roof.