1- Too Broad Keyword Targeting
In order to get the highly targeted results instantly, you need to do the PPC marketing appropriately. It is very important that the keywords you are targeting are relevantly focused and precise as you can get 64% of the share of the clicks through PPC ads. Focusing on the relevant keyword is good even in case of search engine optimization. SEO Service in Delhi also uses properly focused keywords for highly targeting results.
2- Not Using Specific Campaign Type
Google Display Network is a great display advertising channel as it gives you the chance to reach the maximum number of online traffic in America.
3- Running Untested Ads
Testing of websites and ads encourages from the Google experts via A/B and other methods to test the efficacy of the specific campaign. Running untested ads is one of the major mistakes which needs to be avoid in this year.
4- Targeting the Wrong Audience
It is also vital to target the right audience and there are various ways to target the right audience. You need to focus on some important attributes. Demographics such as location and age can prove out to be useful for targeting the right type of audience. Almost half of the consumers use location as part of their search queries.
5- Using Poor Call-to-Action Terms
Effectiveness on your CTA (Call to Action) largely determines the success or failure of the landing page. Most of the PPC advertisers unable to use the result oriented call to actions that’s why it is essential to avail the best PPC Service in Delhi for effective Call to Action.